Motorcycle Events & Resources
Life on 2 Wheels!

While every rider enjoys the warm weather of summer, fall can be just as fun for motorcycle trips. The brilliant foliage, crisp air and reduced traffic makes autumn a great time for hitting the open road – if you are prepared.

For all the scenic enjoyment that fall brings to New England, there are also plenty of hazards. From poor weather and wild animal crossings to slick roads and sudden drops in temperature, riders need to stay alert to make motorcycle riding in autumn a safe and fun experience.

Here are some tips on how to safely navigate the pitfalls of the fall season.

Look at the Leaves

Fall foliage attracts thousands of visitors to New England every year. The striking red, yellow and orange colors can turn forests into magical landscapes. However, when the leaves start to fall, riders need to take notice. Dry leaves often gather in piles, which can cover up a pothole or other hazardous road condition. When approaching a pile of dry leaves, slow down and try to steer around it. You never know what might be lurking underneath!

On the other hand, wet leaves are no better. Rain and morning dew cause wet leaves that can make for a very slick surface. Many riders will tell you stories of spills caused by wet leaves. Again, be cautious around wet leaves and slow down when rain has fallen.

Deer in the Headlights

We’ve all seen the damage a full-grown buck can do to a car, whether on the news or from real life experience. Just imagine what it would do to you and your motorcycle if you collide? Fall is a popular time for deer to come out of the woods and make their way across roads, so be on the lookout for these large animals. Wild turkeys and black bears will be moving as well. 

Always wear the right protective gear and be aware of your surroundings, especially at night when deer tend to freeze up when seeing oncoming lights. Construction, hunters and the search for food will push deer into public areas, so always be alert when riding to avoid a wreck that could ruin your bike and cause personal injuries.

Temperature Drops

Many of us know the expression: If you don’t like the weather in New England, wait a minute. Never is this truer than in the fall. Indian summer days can easily turn into cold nights and, if you don’t prepare, you could be in for a rude awakening. Planning fall weekend motorcycle rides should always include packing gear that will help you stay comfortable, should the weather suddenly become hazardous. Rain, chills and even early frost can make for very unsafe riding conditions, so mind the forecast and have the right gear.

This fall season, make your motorcycle trips moments to remember by being prepared and staying safe.